carlj-polaroid We are very pleased to introduce you to your newest Rider Representative, Carl Jolly, who has taken over from Charles Page, and will be joining Ben, Hannah, Elizabeth, Anastasia and Seth as your voice on the Committee. Welcome aboard Carl!

Remember Members, the Riders’ Reps are YOUR voice – they are there to listen to your ideas about the club, speaking up for you and making sure these are heard. Do talk to them – their photos are on the Who’s Who Gallery on the Clubhouse noticeboard, so make sure you know who is representing you.

We would also like to say a VERY BIG THANK YOU to former Rider Rep, Charles, who has now stepped down from this role, which he has been in for some time now! Charles has worked really hard on behalf of Members, and will be missed. Thank you Charles, and best of luck with your ODA training!