Contact The Club

INDUCTION UPDATE – PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU CONTACT US: Any openings in Slipstreamers Membership and details of induction dates will be announced online and offered to the general public on a first-come-first-served basis. Waiting list details can be found on our Membership Information page, and when we have capacity we will make a limited number of places  available to book online via our online booking system, Spond, where we will share these details.

General Enquiries: Feel free to contact us regarding a general enquiry about the club if you cannot find what you need on our website; or if you are trying to get in touch with a club volunteer.

Bike Advice: We are a not in a position to advise the general public about bike fit and sizes, what kit to buy your child or yourself, or indeed any kind of advice along those lines. There is a wealth of information on our site in the News Hub and Rider Resources you are very welcome to peruse; and we would encourage you to visit the British Cycling Insight Zone on their website. Or do visit your local bike shop!

Advertising: We are a children’s charity run entirely by volunteers and not a business venture – please do not contact us asking to advertise or promote your business, your event, or anything else that is remotely promotional. Your email will be sent straight to junk mail.

General Enquiry