We’ve taken a bit of time to pull together a few resources to keep our members busy while we are unable to operate club sessions. We’ll do our best to keep expanding on these, but for now, we hope you enjoy what we’ve managed to collate. If you come across anything you think we should add here that others will enjoy, do let us know and we’ll take a look.
Club Resources

Skills Videos
Visit our Vimeo page to view some skills coaching videos featuring our wonderful Young Leaders.
Zwift Rides
Join our virtual rides each week using the popular Zwift platform, in the comfort of your own home.

Fun Facts
We’ve collated a numbr of resources for you to enjoy. early days of cycling. early days of cycling.
External Resources
BC Ready Set Ride
British Cycling’s resources for little people…
Access Sport Inclusion
Inclusive activities for all to do at home.
Cycle Sprog
Indoor activities for cycling kids who’d rather be outside…
British Cycling Let's Ride
British Cycling’s resources for bigger people…
Gutenberg Project
Library of free children’s books…
NHS Change4Life
Balance & coordination shakeups…
Woodrow Activities
Activities from the team at Woodrow High House…
Sport England Activities
#StayInWorkOut activity ideas …
London Youth Creative Opps
Something a bit more arty and creative perhaps…
Outdoor Classroom
Play ideas to connect with nature…
Animal Webcams
For something different – animal antics online…