For all those that have signed up for the visit to the Sports Science Lab at St Mary’s on July 4th, here are the details.

The University is situated here:

Monitoring during exercise

Monitoring during exercise

St Mary’s University, Twickenham
Waldegrave Rd
Twickenham, Greater London TW1 4SX

Please plan to arrive no later than 10:45. For parents who wish to wait, I am told there will be parking on campus with it being Saturday and not term time. There is also on-street parking on Waldegrave Road and nearby Shacklegate Lane. When you arrive, please meet by the University entrance. At 10:45 we will move into the refectory, where our hosts will take us through to LAB L202. This will be our home for the next 2 hours, where an interesting and engaging set of demonstrations will take place.

If you do not want to do the physical test – that is fine – there will be plenty of other things to take part. If you do wish to have the chance to be tested, please wear cycling shorts/jersey, bring a drink and a towel, and remember that cycling shoes will NOT be needed but training shoes WILL!

Sam, Duncan and I will be in the lab with you. Our host will be Colin Towey. You can read about Colin on the University’s website here.

Sam has also volunteered to take part in a demonstration (that involves taking blood out of him) so that Colin will explain typical lactate response during incremental exercise – or why it hurts for short.

There are still places left – if interested please contact the sign-on team.