A massive WELL DONE to all the racers in both the support and national series races who provided an exciting day of live cycle racing at the Hillingdon round of the National Youth Circuit Series 2017 on Saturday 3rd June. We hope you had a fantastic day with us enjoying the sunshine, racing, bike marking, and of course ice cream!
To our incredible Volunteers, young and not-so-young, an immense THANK YOU for taking the time to help us – all the more symbolic during Volunteers’ Week and just like the chocolate bar says: “Together Everyone Achieves More”. Without such a committed and enthusiastic army of helpers – many of whom did not have children racing – such an event could not happen; and each and every contribution before, during and after the races is greatly appreciated.
Enjoy a few words from our Club Chairman, Alison Grant…
“To all our wonderful Volunteers and Helpers for our Nationals on June 3rd – THANK YOU ALL.
I am so super impressed with all your help this year – certainly a Nationals to remember for all the right reasons. When Asti put out the call for help the response was wonderful – it is so appreciated and shows the very best of this wonderful club. So many thank you’s to give out and below is a flavour of what was achieved.
When we have to put on an event of this size there is a lot of organising to do and sort prior to the event.
So I want to start by thanking Clive who was our official organiser and who liaised with British Cycling, the parents, the entrants. Sorting out who could race in those events that were over subscribed and who had to have a disappointing email. So much more as well.
- A very special mention to Asti, our administrator supreme, for taking on the Adobe software (she had a fight with it!) to produce the programme, list the jobs, match the volunteers, lists for everything, ordering numbers, coordinating results and sign on sheets and so much much much more.
- Catering – a huge thank you to Claire and Debbie who between them gave us all the food for the day, ordered, cooked and produced some yummy goodies for us all. To all those who helped them through the day itself – thank you.
Emma who organised the engraving, collected and delivered all the trophies and medals – thank you.
- Treasurer Corinne who organised all the monetary prizes and kept an eye on expenses – thank you.
- The Sign On team who worked so well on the day ensuring licences and numbers were correct – thank you.
- Photography – miles (30’000+!) walked all day by Elisabeth bringing in some great photo’s to remind us of the day, aptly helped by young volunteer Kim and Susan too – thank you all.
- Marshalls – a thankless task waving hands but being alert all day long – thank you all. Thank you also to our Chief Marshals – Paul for his map and sorting of positions and to Martin for covering the afternoon shift and coordinating everybody.
Jeff and all the gear checkers – a huge task to get through all the riders both prior and post racing – thank you.
- Judges – a fantastic team led by coach extraordinaire Dave. Out in the sun concentrating on every race and sorting results with our photofinishing cameraman Des. Thank you all. Great to see so many of you.
- Circuit set up by Sam and all his wonderful young volunteer helpers flag waving and bell ringing. A lot of work required putting out (and bringing in at the end) signs, banners, stakes and tape, padding, gazebo’s, camera and probably a whole lot more I don’t know about.
First aiders were unfortunately busy and two ambulances had to be called – thank you Shelley, Shirley and Mark for being so diligent.
- Phil our amazing PA announcer working hard through the day – thank you. Also to Abbie Dentus, ex-Slipstreamer and current senior women’s Team GB rider who kindly came along to present prizes – thank you. Great to see her and catch up.
- Our three amazing runners – Thomas, Lawrence, Tim – who went back and forth on their mountain bikes between the apron and clubhouse ferrying results and sheets. Along with Anastasia, Jessica, Orla who walked the circuit a few times delivering refreshments for volunteers and ensuring all were fed. Thank You.
Then there are all those odd jobs that need doing. We had gardeners clearing vegetation, helpers collecting rubbish across the circuit, signs put up, loo rolls replenished, pins put out, gate manned, rubbish bins lined and changed through the day, photocopying galore – and that was just what I witnessed.
So many of these jobs were done incredibly well by our Young Volunteers. They are now such an important part of this club and we are so proud of you all. No matter what the task was, there was never a grumpy moment, always a smile on their faces (look at some of the photo’s to verify this) and done so well with true professionalism. THANK YOU!
I am going to share a comment from one of the commissaires:
“It was a great pleasure to be the commissaire yesterday, a better organised event it is hard to imagine.”
This was down to you ALL volunteering so well in this Volunteers’ Week. A credit to this club – well done everyone and THANK YOU ALL.
Alison – a VERY proud Chairman”
If you’d like a reminder of the event and a review of the programme for the day, visit this page here to view. The official British Cycling event report and photos are on this page here with a few more links and other photos on our Twitter stream. Club photos taken by our amazing volunteers are on our Flickr website here…
Well done everyone!